It’s like training for a marathon

OK, maybe not exactly like training for a marathon, but getting ready for this year’s NaNoWriMo is all about pacing and timing. It’s no good getting 100% match-fit a week before the event and equally bad reaching a peak half-way through.

From everything I’ve read about the 30 day challenge I’ve learned one thing: It’s all about stamina, having the staying power to keep ploughing through the peaks and troughs. And I’m sure there will be plenty of troughs.The peaks won’t be a problem, and let’s face it; they never are, but the lows are always difficult to navigate.

This day in a week’s time will be day 1, and by now I should have reached a word count minimum of 1,667. I’ll be aiming for a count of anywhere between 1,750-2,000, which would give me a few days grace at the end of the month. So to help me attain the stamina and staying power I’m working hard to block out the storyline, the turning points, the main action seqeunces. If I know them then I (hopefully) will be able to keep the momentum going.

We’ll see.

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